A virtual workshop during our "Open Day":

  1. There is no need for access codes to access the virtual workshops. Microsoft Teams will be used to run the workshops.
  2. Each workshop lasts 30 minutes: 20 minutes of pedagogical activity followed by 10 minutes of questions/answers.
  3. Any questions will only be asked via the meeting's chat/conversation, with the participants' microphones and cameras remaining closed throughout the session.

Would you like to make a test?

Here is access link to a TEST workshop. If you manage to log in, you will see the school logo and you will hear music.

How do I connect to Teams without an access code and without the Teams application?

We strongly recommend that you use the Chrome or Edge browser. EIDE logo
To use Microsoft Teams without an access code, you must use the online version via a web browser.
  1. Click on the access link (available on our website)
    Note : if a pop-up/alert window appears asking you to open the Teams application (if it is installed on your machine), then click on "CANCEL"
    Cancel application opening

  2. You should see this menu which gives you three options which may not be in the same order:
    Continuer avec le navigateur
  3. Select "Continue with this browser"
    Notes :
    1. if you do not see this option, it means that your browser is not compatible with Teams, then we advise you to use google Chrome or Microsoft EDGE.
    2. i vous recevez une invitation à vous connecter/identifier à Teams, cela veut dire que quelqu'un a déjà utilisé votre machine pour se connecter à Teams en ligne. Vous devrez alors recommencer à partir de l'étape 1 en utilisant une "Nouvelle fenêtre de navigation privée" avec google Chrome
      or "A new InPrivate window" with Microsoft Edge :
  4. Then click on "Continue without audio or video" :
    Continue without audio or video
  5. Write the name you want and then click on join:
    Entrer dans la réunion maintenant

How do I ask a question during the workshop?

Any questions can be asked via the meeting chat/conversation and will be answered either in writing or orally at the end of the workshop.

Enter the meeting now